co-author of The Meadow
Mike O'Hare

Archive for the ‘Spiritual/philosophy’ Category

29 May 2012

UNFINISHED BUSINESS Assuming that your mindset is one that is open to all possibilities, how would you feel if you could look into a crystal ball and see beyond the life that you are now living? Share with me and join in a travel extravaganza which takes us beyond the physical world. To begin with, let me emphasize that this is not an invitation to talk about a belief system that is held steadfast within your religious ideals. No, this is meant to help stimulate your mind and take you beyond your present mode of thought. If present-day discoveries through  [ Read More ]

2 Apr 2012

Staying with my philosophy that everything I post is meant to be shared, find below a short script for meditation that I wrote about ten years ago. Feel free to use this either in its existing format or change it any way that suits your requirements. All you need to add is some suitable relaxing music and a creative mental environment for this type of meditation. Such activity is now becoming commonplace where meditations can take place with small groups in the home or even the office during breaks. Gone are the days when you are required to attend workshops  [ Read More ]
