co-author of The Meadow
Mike O'Hare

 (Just click on the names or pictures)

William Brown (The Science of life)

Investigating the nature of realityThe science community has ran a pretty tight ship for centuries. Individuals who chose to step out of line and share revelations that were detrimental to the interests of  those who would profit from certain documented ‘facts’ were ostracised or at worst, conveniently put out of harm’s way. There are winds of change afoot where many scientists are crossing borders of convention and treading new grounds of discovery. These are the people who are more than willing to help create awareness about our world, our universe — in fact life itself. William Brown is one of those scientists who investigates the nature of reality. Some would regard this area of discovery as alternative science. Personally I consider it to be mainstream science because at the Quantum level of existence so many so-called scientific facts have been blown apart by information which cannot be disputed including Einstein’s theory of relativity where a few ‘leaks’ have been discovered.


Mike’s Student Journey

Follow Mike’s adventures as he becomes a student again at a Top Film School after so many years winding down to the quiet life. He chose the Cleveland College of Art and Design (CCAD) because of the amazing reputation it has in the academic world of Film Making. Let’s see if he has made it into the Top Film School.

“Actually it began on September 19, 2011 but who’s counting? To describe me as a mature student is an understatement. Suffice to say that I’m over 25. I’ll settle for that. Well, come on! To get into a Top Film School you need to be either smart enough, or old enough! ‘Nuff said” …. [read more]


Nexus Magazine (a must-read for free thinkers)

NEXUS is a bi-monthly alternative news magazine covering health breakthroughs, future science and technology, suppressed news, free energy, religious revisionism, conspiracy, the environment, history and ancient mysteries, the mind, UFOs, paranormal and the unexplained.  NEXUS Magazine is not affiliated with any political, religious or spiritual groups or organisations whatsoever, and has been published since 1986.



Living in CourageA Spiritual Oasis

Debra is a Courage Advocate, Writer and Joy-Full Experiencer. Debra became a Courage Advocate through the loss of so many family members. Over a 6 year period, Debra lost her 21 year old son Wade, her unborn baby girl in the 8th month of pregnancy, both brothers to AIDS, and her father to prostate cancer. The loss of other friends occurred during this time as well. She could have given up, but instead she asked herself what each of them would have wanted for her. She knew deep in her heart the answer was to live a life of courage, to encourage others, and to be happy. Debra says she has became a better person for knowing them and a stronger more courageous person in their absence. She chooses to love and honor each one and carries them in her heart as a precious gift.

Debra feels so much compassion for people going through life’s challenges and created LivinginCourageOnline – “A Spiritual Oasis for Overcoming Life’s Biggest Challenges.” Debra Oakland is a COURAGE ADVOCATE.


Judy Fraser has covered more ground than most in her lifetime, both internally and externally. This shy, self-effacing woman is well known throughout the world for her pioneering work in the field of spiritual psychotherapy. She has a bit of a following of people who have benefited from her unique insight into their problems and an equally large number still seeking her advice and support. Getting older and having been ill, Judy felt it was the time to retire from the front line of working with soul sickness to make herself available to people who still need her help by way of the printed word. So a double publication has been prepared – “Second Aid” and “The Soul Searcher”

Her story is an incredible one and this amazing woman has generously shared her story and her life’s work in the form of these two wonderful publications. Available from Amazon.com and can be ordered from Bookshops.

For more information please contact the Publisher Pavllou Landraagon, landraagon@landraagon.com tel: +46 7617 02323 www.landraagon.com




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