co-author of The Meadow
Mike O'Hare

Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

5 Oct 2015

If I could collect one tiny snippet of truth each time I heard the question: “Is there more to life than this?” then I would be a truly wise person indeed. It deserves a simple explanation now that we question our origin more than ever before. It seems that life is administered so unfairly whilst some folk cruise along with no problems and others ride the roller coaster. I don’t have the answer as to why there is so much diversity between our lives. Neither does anyone else for that matter, although some may think that they do on account  [ Read More ]

1 May 2012

A GREAT LOVE STORY This is a video which brings to life the mystery that lies behind  a great love story — A legend for The Meadow.   Here’s how one avid reader expressed her appreciation regarding a legend for The Meadow Dear Mike and Elfreda, I loved The Meadow and I have no doubt in my mind that it will be a great success and all who read it will be forever changed. You may have found a way to “awaken the masses”. You are not only a wonderful writer but a Master Teacher. You explained to me concepts that  [ Read More ]

3 Apr 2012

“Life is existence and is eternal because the primary nature of existence — by definition — is to exist. Therefore, life and consciousness are infinite and eternal, and only ever change form or constitution but never cease.” ~ William Brown, MSc —  http://williambrownscienceoflife.com WILL THIS STORY FLY IN THE FACE OF ORTHODOX RELIGION? This is an overview of The Meadow novel. It is a blockbuster story blowing the lid off orthodox beliefs. Threatening the end of dogma, it challenges the ancient stranglehold of fear and intimidation. Fate and destiny no longer hang in the balance! How is it that from across an ocean, two  [ Read More ]
