co-author of The Meadow
Mike O'Hare
February - 21 - 2013 | 0 Comment

We are slowly moving into a period of great change — a time of fluidity. The majority of us don’t realise, have no awareness, of this change but it is happening. There will be a shift in consciousness from “matter-based thought to a perception of the finer values.” These are the words and thoughts of Joseph, an old soul, who has decided to be amongst us in order to reach us and encourage us to help speed up this inevitable process.

I invite each and everyone of you to consider the option that is proffered by Joseph on the basis that it is far better to have been given the opportunity to act (one way or the other) on what he has to say rather than having no knowledge at all at what you may regard as a serious possibility. The choice, as always, is yours. However, I would strongly recommend that you read “Revelation: Joseph’s Message” which will help you to look at life in a completely different way to which you have been accustomed.

Joseph's Message

Joseph’s Message

“Revelation . . .” is the first of six books which brings about knowledge and information on a level which surpasses that of other “spiritual forecasting” giving an amazing insight into the potential of the human spirit and a blueprint for changing the future of our planet before it is too late.

“Joseph’s message invites you to understand who and what you really are, where you came from, why you are here and the miraculous things you are capable of achieving. Joseph will revolutionise your views on a variety of topics including thought, love, healing, religion, illness, violence, power and the very nature of reality itself.

The book will empower you by revealing the essential truth about yourself and your world and, through it, you will not only discover your spiritual heritage but will also be made aware of the vital, active part you play in creation.”

I have read all six books more than once and each time I find something new that reaches into my consciousness, telling me that I have found something that has been waiting to surface for a long time.

In one passage Joseph says: “Conditions have to be tested. They have to be pushed to the point where people say, ‘Enough of this … there must another way!’ Only by letting souls take themselves to the brink can you help them to discover, to rediscover their true identity their true selves. So there is a slow shift in thinking from the head to the heart, which is happening at this time.”

All six books are available from Amazon and they are (in order of publication) Revelation: Joseph’s Message, Illumination: Joseph’s Vision, Your Life After Death (The Joseph Communications) and The Fall: You were there — It’s why you’re here…: Trance Mission; From Here to Infinity.

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