co-author of The Meadow
Mike O'Hare
May - 19 - 2012 | 1 Comment

Follow Mike’s adventures as he becomes a student again at a Top Film School after so many years winding down to the quiet life. He chose the Cleveland College of Art and Design (CCAD) because of the amazing reputation it has in the academic world of Film Making. Let’s see if he has made it into the Top Film School.
Actually it began on September 19, 2011 but who’s counting? To describe me as a mature student is an understatement. Suffice to say that I’m over 25. I’ll settle for that. Well, come on! To get into a Top Film School you need to be either smart enough, or old enough! ‘Nuff said.
So why did I choose to be a student and what exactly is it that I’m studying? The subject matter is film. The creative aspect is making it. In a nutshell I’m studying Creative Film and Moving Image. Next question is not only ‘why’ but why did I insist on being in the Top Film School? Now that’s a good question and can’t be explained in just a few words.
And so the rest of this blog will be all about why I chose to become a student when I should be at home, wearing my smokers jacket and carpet slippers while I watch TV. Well, I’ve got the T shirt for that one. Time for change and I wasn’t going to settle for second best. I chose the Top Film School, Cleveland College of Art and Design.
As a writer, I can get into all kinds of genres and create some pretty unique stuff. For example, I spent almost four years co-writing The Meadow with Elfreda Pretorius. It’s because of this book that I decided to become a student. Where’s the connection do I hear you say? It’s quite simple really. Feedback from those who have read the book seems to be unanimous: “Wow! Great movie material” they all say. Of course, we liked that — wouldn’t you? Before I enlighten you as to why I decided to move in behind the cameras and learn this art myself from the experts who instruct at this Top Film School, not only in this area but worldwide, you need a little more background.
Just like J K Rowling, we sent our manuscript to every agent in the UK and many in the US and Canada. Just like J K the agents never bothered looking at our material. J K finally struck lucky with one of the agents and that’s another story. We decided to self publish and have come out with a pretty nifty looking novel. In fact I’ve yet to come across anyone who has had a bad word about it. However, the marketing and promotion of this book is entirely down to me and my writing partner, Elfreda Pretorius. Exploiting the Internet is an art and it’s not everyone who can ‘cybervent’ (my word) the surf to full advantage. Do I want to become another Ridley Scott — who by the way, is a graduate from West Hartlepool College of Art which is now part of CCAD? Probably not — but I figured it couldn’t hurt to learn how to promote a great book by learning from the best people in the industry. And it certainly impressed me that someone as famous as Ridley Scott chose this Top Film School to become his alma mater.
So what am I doing here if I don’t intend to become a famous movie producer? Well, yours truly is probably the most technically challenged person you could ever meet. Remember that great picture of George W. Bush looking through field glasses the wrong way and with the covers still on? That’s me. Put a camera in my hand and I can guarantee that it will take me a month to get the lens cap off. It’s the same with a camcorder or any other contraption we can think of. So why on earth did I choose to sign up for a course in moving film? Simple — sheer frustration. Frustration at not being able to take the bull by the horns and show the public, especially the reading public, what I can produce and what I am capable of. I would love to make little teaser dramas about our book, or start a whisper campaign to intrigue the public into actually reading the beautiful story that The Meadow is. These are some of the creative things I can think of, and that is just the beginning.
In short I’ve joined the industry. I’m on the bottom rung of a very tall ladder. I’m with the Cleveland College of Art and Design (CCAD) a Top Film School in the UK and working towards creating material that can engage the public and help to inform them of a few facts. One of those facts will hold information about The Meadow. The link will take you to The Meadow Home Page. However, there’s a long way to go before I can consider myself capable of producing quality images and sound that will tempt Joe Public to go look and see what I have in store for him. Harry Potter jumped on the Hogwart Express to take him to a mystical place where he would learn his trade. Although it doesn’t sound as romantic, my journey is via a simple bus or car ride to an academic centre of excellence in the world of film making. Just follow the blogs where I write about my journey. You’ll find them all on this blog site.

One Response so far.

  1. Gropleo says:

    do you have a fb fanpage

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The rising Phoenix with an outline of a female’s head

In 1986 Mike was under a great deal of stress. His mother was dying of cancer and he was undergoing horrendous business relationships with an equal partner.
She died, coinciding with his decision to go it alone and break the partnership and form a new business. He commemorated this by designing this emblem/logo in memory of his late mother and in recognition of a new start in business.
It has remained with him and has accompanied many written articles as well as being the company logo on all business administration.


The first public television pictures were transmitted in 1926.
The first TV interview was made with Irish actress Peggy O’Neil in April 1930.
The first televised sporting event was a Japanese elementary school baseball game, broadcast in September 1931
The first daily broadcast was started by the BBC in November 1936.
The first TV commercial was a 20-second ad for a Bulova clock, broadcasted by WNBT, New York during a game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies in July 1941.
The first regular TV soap was DuMont TV’s A Woman to Remember, which began its run in February 1947.



The paper clip

When Johann Vaaler patented his paper clip in 1901, there already were similar designs on the books. William Middlebrook of Waterbury, Connecticut patented his design in 1899. Cornelius Brosnan of Springfield, Massachusetts patented his Konaclip in 1900.
So, who was first to invent the paper clip?
Well, it is thought to be Johann Vaaler. Drawings of his design date to early 1899, but since Norway had no patent law at the time he had to seek  a patent.
Johann Vaaler was born on 15 March 1866 in Aurskog, Norway. Known as an innovator in his youth, he graduated in electronics, science and mathematics. He was employed by the owner of an invention office when he invented the paper clip in 1899. Rights in Germany and the US in the following years.
Several designs followed the original. Only a few remain, such as the Ideal, Non-Skid, Owl and Gem. The first double-oval clip, the Gem, was launched in early-1900 by Gem Manufacturing Ltd of England. The paper clip remains as one of the most-used items of all time.



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